P r e m i u m C a c t u s a n d S u c c u l e n t P l a n t s
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Echinopsis Fuzzy Cactus Plant
Echinopsis Fuzzy Cactus
The main factor that ties these plants together are their very large, showy flowers. These flowers are all very similar in structure – funnel shaped, with hairy/wooly scaled floral tubes which give rise to hairy, globular fruit filled with a soft, mushy pulp. The flowers seldom last more than a single day and may be diurnal or nocturnal depending on the species. These species hybridize easily and have resulted in a tremendous number of hybrids that some cactus growers specialize in or grow exclusively. There are certainly enough hybrids to keep even ardent hobbyists busy.
Because of their exceptional flowers, many Echinopsis species are found in garden centers and collections world-wide.
Order Processing: Upon receipt of your payment, your order will be processed and shipped within 3-7 business days. If you want us to postpone shipping for a future date, just make a notation with your payment.
Shipping: We ship our plant year round via USPS Priority Mail or Fed Ex Ground, depending upon the nature of the order. Large orders containing many plants may ship in multiple cartons and may ship on different days. We may delay shipping in severe weather.
Thank you for your business! We are family owned and have been in business for 16 years. We look forward to providing you with an exceptional, unusual and beautiful variety of plants.