P r e m i u m C a c t u s a n d S u c c u l e n t P l a n t s
Free shipping at $40*
Drought Tolerant Landscape 7 Succulent Plants, Low Maintenance Plants
Landscape Special Seven great Succulent plants:
This drought tolerant plants will make any garden beautiful. You will get 7 plants of diffrent sizes and textures, they require minimum water and are low maintenance. You will generally receive Aeonium rosette, it also grows in a large clump, Blue fingers they spred like a ground cover, Green fingers grow into a large bush, Aeonium prupuratrum that will give nice color, Crassula monstruosa will grow into a large bush and Seneccio fingers. Save by buying this landscape package. (NOTE: plant varieties may vary due to seasonal availability but will be similar.)
It is important to remember that plants are living things and they are not perfect, nor is any living thing, minor imperfections or weathering are normal.
We include plant care instructions with your shipment and they can also be found on our website.
Shipping: We ship our plants via USPS Priority Mail UPS, depending upon the size of the order.
Thank you for your business! We are family owned and have been in business for 22 years. We look forward to providing you with an exceptional, unusual, and beautiful variety of plants.
Please follow us on Instagram @cactuslimon